EAM Blog

How To Calculate Operating Costs for Industrial Machinery

Calculating the operating costs of industrial machinery helps companies optimize manufacturing processes that, in turn, can directly influence a company’s income and profit. The costs of operating a machine are dependent on the industry. However, several basic principles can be applied, no matter the industry, to help a company calculate its costs of operation for machinery and equipment used in manufacturing its products. Let’s take a look at what these principles are and how to calculate operating costs.


What Is Industrial Automation?

Industrial automation services allow manufacturers to increase productivity through computerized technologies and applications. In doing so, repetitive/mechanical tasks associated with one person in production and manufacturing processes are replaced by automation. Automated devices can be programmed to control processes but can also make decisions during production processes. Subsequently, automation achieves output at a higher and more consistent level, increases quality, and allows for flexibility in manufacturing processes. (more…)

What is a Pick and Place Robot?

Robots have revolutionized the manufacturing process, providing an efficient and cost-effective means to keep humans from having to perform unsafe and repetitive tasks that can cause strain injuries. Pick and place applications are one of the most common places within the assembly process where automation and robots are utilized. While this means factories can easily source suitable pick and place robot models, choosing the right one for a specific applications takes some investigation.  (more…)