EAM Blog

Manufacturing Automation Pros and Cons

Manufacturing automation is a system of manufacturing that utilizes the application of advanced systems, machine design, and technology to automate tasks and processes in any production environment. Automated production processes do more than assemble John Deere tractors or Ford cars. Automation can be achieved on a fundamental level in fabrication shops and large-scale manufacturing environments. As with any system, there are pros and cons of automation in manufacturing. (more…)

3 Types of Manufacturing Automation

Manufacturing automation and automation types have experienced growth and expansion over the past several decades. As a manufacturing process, it was first introduced in the post-World War II era and, by the 1970s, had become a common industrial method of production. Manufacturing automation is a system of manufacturing that utilizes technology to automate tasks, processes and production. It is designed to increase industrial output more efficiently and rapidly than that once performed by humans. (more…)

Automation Relevance

Recently, I was giving a tour of EAM to a family member, whom I must point out is not employed in the manufacturing sector whatsoever. He was completely amazed at what was going on with the size and complexity of some of the automation equipment currently being assembled on the shop floor. He commented that he was saddened by the future loss of workers at the hands of this automation, and that EAM was going to displace many jobs with this round of equipment and all future projects. (more…)